Weekends & Labor Day: September 2 - October 29, 2023 10:30 am — 7:00 pm


Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health is not something we openly discuss. Maybe it’s the way most of us were raised. You don’t talk about that kind of thing in public. It’s a private concern, perhaps even a family one, and therefore nobody’s business but your own. The downside is that this perspective often leads those of us suffering […]

Read Mental Health Awareness Month

Courtship & Marriage in the Tudor Era

Honour, riches, marriage-blessing,  Long continuance, and increasing,  Hourly joys be still upon you!  Juno sings her blessings upon you.  Willaim Shakespeare, The Tempest These days we think of love and marriage as a somewhat nebulous concept. For some, it’s a deeply spiritual commitment that joins willing people together. To others, it’s more like one option […]

Read Courtship & Marriage in the Tudor Era

Feast of Fools: Comedy & Community

Something I love about ORF is how often it surprises me. Along with the scheduled entertainment and returning seasonal acts, if you stick around a while you may find yourself coming across one of the many little ways in which the faire displays our pride. It’s not window dressing when I say ren faire is […]

Read Feast of Fools: Comedy & Community


2021 is a heck of a year for time travel and I mean that in the best way possible. Flouting the time-space continuum has always been a popular theme, with stories such as H.G. Wells The Time Machine and Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court being counted among the most notable. The […]

Read TIME TRAVELERS & Be Prepared

PIRATES: Cutthroats & Crewmates

I’ve never known anyone who didn’t have a pirate phase. Maybe it’s because Pirates of the Caribbean came out in 2003 when I was just about eighteen, which makes it all the more surreal that eighteen years later there is a PotC 6 in the works. I remember being obsessed with that movie and the […]

Read PIRATES: Cutthroats & Crewmates

The Lights 2021

As Renaissance Parks opens itself up as a venue for third-party events, I find myself thoroughly enjoying all of the opportunities it presents for outdoor entertainment. This year we had the return of the Lights, a lantern release ceremony that holds multiple concerts throughout the US. These festivals are a great opportunity for people to […]

Read The Lights 2021